
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is a renowned IT company headquartered in Mumbai, India. It offers business solutions, IT services, consultancy led services, BPOs, and a number of IT solutions to customers across the globe. The reach of this company can be gauged from the mere fact that it has offices in over 46 countries, covering a wide range of nationalities and languages. The company has had a transformational journey in slightly over 50 years. The company has, over the years, ensured that it maintains its goodwill amongst all its employees, customers, and all other persons connected to the organization.

Much like most multinational companies, TCS also has strict privilege policies, which means that it does not allow its employees to use the computers and laptops of the company for personal use. All the employees of the company are given access to the professional portal. The company also updated its setting a few years ago to embrace the Virtual Private Network or VPN.

With the help of a Virtual Private Network, TCS shifted to the world of private networks. This does not mean that employees can no longer use public networks to exchange or share data. However, the use of a VPN is encouraged as it protects all the confidential information and secures personal data from getting into the wrong hands.

TCS Webmail can be accessed on smartphones as well as computers without any issues. Tata Consultancy Services came up with TCS Webmail to offer a seamless email service to all its employees. You can access TCS Webmail only if you are a TCS employee. Using this platform is super easy. Most employees experience problems in logging in or accessing the TCS Webmail as it cannot be done outside of its premises. However, now, with the help of a private network, employees can access TCS Webmail from anywhere according to their convenience.

It is not an exaggeration to say that, for any multinational company, especially one as big as Tata Consultancy Services, keeping its communication platform strong is of paramount importance. This software is run by Ultimatix. The software not just makes things easy for employees but also makes their processes much more organized.

You can enjoy all the benefits of TCS Webmail. All you need to do is access the portal using a Virtual Private Network irrespective of where you are. All you have to do is open the official webpage of TCS and sign in with your login credentials. The best thing about TCS Webmail is that it is a very employee-friendly platform with a number of handy features to help employees get the work done in one place. The system is well upgraded and programmed with all the facilities available at a click of a button.

Since TCS is a multinational organization, it takes the privacy of its company and employees very seriously. TCS Webmail is an excellent example of a secure portal that helps maintain this privacy and makes the entire organization organized, more disciplined, and well-connected.